Friday, April 12, 2019

Students living together as couples

Students are now living together like husbands and wives, and our society calls it love. What kind of people do these students become when they leave school?
This is why we have a lot of frustrated graduates than nations building graduates.
Today, a 16-year-old girl is already into sex. She wants to wear everything on trend. She is already a prostitute in the sense that any man that comes her way for relationship must show some signs of money and she would respond to him.hmmmm.

The funny thing is this, almost all those girls that have become sex symbols end up in a deep mess. How many of them today is changing the world they are into? What kind of spirit would they do well within life? They have sold their souls out to sex. They pride on what they wear and hotels they go to. That is their biggest achievement. The girls they called cowards are setting up economic empires. Their future is already exhausted when they come to their true senses?
Advice to my beloved brothers and fellow sisters:

👉 # For men; never allow your erection today to destroy your future directions, stay positive.

✌#For ladies, all that glitters is not gold, let's make our future bright and its start today.
We have turned Christmas, Eid and other festivities to Sexual seasons instead of The season of Grace n Mercy...may God/Allah help us all.
I am not posting this to make anyone guilty or stand as a judge because I am not perfect,but I believe we can all make a change...
CHANGE begins with me.

# Live a simple lifestyle

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

11 Things Every Student Needs To Know While Graduating

11 Things Every Student Needs To Know While Graduating
Do you know that your University degree doesn’t guaranty your success in life? Are you aware that there are several unemployed first class graduates from reputable universities out there? Therefore, your University degree is just a means to an end, not the end itself. As a matter of fact, your success journey begins after graduation. This is why we are sharing with our readers the things every student needs to know while graduating.

A University degree doesn’t mean as much as it used to. In other words, unless you have the right orientation and guidance, you may end up being unemployed even with your first class.

Top 11 Things Every Student Needs To Know While Graduating

#1. Learn To Take Tasks Beyond Your Job Description

One of the things every student needs to know while graduating is to take tasks beyond job descriptions. Very soon, you will find yourself in the corporate world and this particular tip will help you a lot.

Once you get your first job, there are chances that you will be asked to take tasks outside your job descriptions. Never complain about this, it is a perfect opportunity to learn more about the job.

Trust me, once you start taking responsibility outside your job description, you will learn new skills. More importantly, your employer will place more value on you while opening new possibilities. This is arguably the easiest way to rise in an organization.

#2. Learn To Use Social Media Professionally
Social media is one of the easiest ways to establish a reputation in the industry you operate. You can share helpful tips and educative information on trending issues in the industry.

Once your social media posts are professional, you tend to have more followers from the same field. Within a short while, you can become an influencer in your field.

Also, never share unprofessional posts on social media as some recruiters may check your social media platforms during a recruitment process.

#3. Your Degree is nothing without Experience

This is also among the things every student needs to know while graduating. In the corporate world, your experience is the key. Therefore, keep your university grades aside and learn the job from experienced professionals in the field.

As a matter of fact, you must be seen as somebody who is ready to learn at all time. Unfortunately, some University graduates believe that their degree will instantly get them jobs in NLNG, Shell, Chevron, etc. Oop! wake up from your dream, if you belong to this category of graduates.

The world is evolving and employers are more concerned about your experienced and accomplishment in the field rather than your degree and grades.

Getting a degree is awesome. But you need to show your real skills in today’s competitive labour market to be outstanding.

#4. Find Friends Who Are Passionate About Success

Your friends can either make or mar you in the corporate world. With the right friends, you can grow exponentially in your career.

However, once you are with the wrong friends, your career may die a natural death. Therefore, mingle with friends who will help you develop new skills, dream bigger and push you to become a better person.

There is nothing as important as a real friend in the real world. They are the only people who can tell you the truth, not what you want to hear.

#5. Read About Great Corporate Leaders You Admire

Once you step into the corporate world, you will definitely admire some great leaders. These are people who have reached the peak of their career.

Read more about them and know what they are doing. You can follow suit, trust me within a while you can be soaring high in your career just like them.

#6. Always Invest In Evergreen Assets

This is one of the best things every student needs to know while graduating. Investment is something you must take seriously once you start earning a salary. As a matter of fact, plan to invest in real estate properties.

These are evergreen assets whose values will always appreciate. This is the best way of financially preparing for the future.

#7. Learn To Interact With People

Just like the University, you will definitely see people from different background, ethnic group and religious in the corporate world.

Interact with people irrespective of who they are, what they believe and where they are coming from. This will definitely expose you to thoughts, ideas and opinions.

#8. Ignore The Naysayers

There are negative people out there who derive pleasure in discouraging people. As a matter of fact, they identify talents and inspire fear in them.

As a newbie in the labour Market, you will definitely meet people who will tell you what you can’t do. They are the naysayers, ignore them and focus on your dream.

Learn to doubt your doubts and believe in your beliefs. In fact, the worst thing that can happen to you out there is allowing your doubts and lack of experience discourage you from reaching your goal.

#9. Learn To Ask For Help

There is always someone out there that is willing to help you. All you need to do is to ask for.

Finding yourself in a new role as a fresh graduate is not an easy task. However, if you are the humble type who asks for help when needed, you will understand the role easily without stress.

#10. Don’t Allow Your Setbacks Define You

Life after graduation can be very challenging. As a matter of fact, things may not really go the way you have predicted. However, never give in to doom and gloom thinking.

Once you notice a setback, trace the cause and find a way to fix it. However, if you can’t fix it, learn to manage it. Don’t allow little challenges to define you, there is always a way around every situation.

#11. Be Real About Your Personality

This is also among the things every student needs to know while graduating. Although it is good to create a good impression, not at the expense of your personality.

Once you are real to yourself, trust me the work environment will be easy and comfortable.

These are the top 11 things every student needs to know while graduating. Remember, your University life is behind you and it is time to enter a new phase of your life. Strive to become the best in where ever you find yourself.